Our Commitment

Kimberly-Pirilla-Scalise, Executive Director
When we founded Superior in 2002, our passion was to give families real and accessible options so their loved ones could continue living at home. That was something many agencies would only provide for certain people. Our goal was to give everyone an equal opportunity to live at home, regardless of their needs, strengths and weaknesses.
Our goal is to be WAY MAKERS for each person we serve, helping them create a support plan that lets them live life they way that makes them happy.
At Superior, our services are customized for each client’s unique needs. We consider ourselves partners with our clients; we work together to make living independently a viable long-term option. Each person has different challenges, needs and dreams. We strive to help each of our clients enjoy the highest quality of life while living in the setting of their choice.
We feel it is also equally important to treat our staff with the same respect. Each staff member is more than just a number on a roster to us. They are also real people with challenges, hopes and dreams. Our employees become part of our Superior family and we treat them like that.
We have come a long way as a home care provider. And we look forward to making a difference in the lives of many more clients, families and staff members for years to come.
– Kim Pirilla-Scalise, Executive Director