Getting older causes the skin to change.
The top layer becomes thinner and glands produce less oil, making it more fragile and drier. As a result, winter weather can be especially hard on the skin of older adults. The dry weather can make it flaky and itchy. It may even crack, which can be painful. However, your aging relative doesn’t have to suffer this winter. There are some ways to protect their skin and keep them feeling more comfortable.
Below are 5 tips…
#1: See a Dermatologist
Even if you don’t think your older family member has a serious skin problem, it can help to have them see a dermatologist at least once. A dermatologist can analyze their skin and make recommendations for products that will work best for them. They can also offer advice that will improve the senior’s skincare routine.
#2: Use Sunscreen
Most people associate sunscreen with summer weather, but it’s also important in the winter. The sun can still harm your aging relative’s skin in the winter. In fact, the glare from the snow may make it even worse. So, when the older adult goes outside, be sure they put a layer of sunscreen on exposed skin.
#3: Pay Extra Attention to Hands
Hands have thinner skin than other parts of the body. They also have fewer oil glands. That means they dry out easier than other areas. To protect senior hands, make sure the older adult puts gloves on when they go outside. Soft cotton gloves will be easier on the skin. If they need to wear warmer gloves made of wool to stay warm, put them on over a thin cotton pair to prevent skin irritation. In addition, keep a good quality hand cream readily available and encourage them to use it several times a day.
#4: Keep Clothing Dry
Snow can make pant legs and shoes wet. Wet clothes can make skin even more irritated and itchy. Make sure they change out of wet clothing as soon as possible. It may even be helpful to carry a change of socks and shoes when going on outings.
#5: Avoid Scratching
Dry skin is itchy, and it may cause your aging relative to scratch themselves more often. Unfortunately, that can cause breaks in the skin, which can lead to infections. When you notice the older adult scratching, gently remind them to stop and apply some moisturizer to ease the itch.
Home care can help with winter skin care. A home care provider can aid the senior in putting on moisturizer, which can be difficult if they have trouble bending to reach their feet and legs. Home care providers can also remind them to wear sunscreen and gloves.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Oakmont, PA, talk to the caring staff at Superior Home Care today. Call us at 412.754.2600